Hang Thavy
With EUR 4.400 Thavy can hire an extra worker in selling secondhand materials and buy fertilizer for her mangos.
Thavy runs business in selling secondhand goods for the past 10 years. Think of used bottles and cans, but also used chairs for example. Everyday a supplier comes in with several items on offer. After the supplier, an agent comes in that will sell the products on her behalf. Apart from this business, Thavy is also into mangos. She pays a fee to a mango owner, takes care of the mangoplants and earns a fee upon harvest.
In order to meet the rising demand of her clients Thavy is looking to expand her business of selling the secondhand materials by hiring one more worker. Next to that, she wishes to buy more fertilizer for the mango business as she expects a great harvest this year.
Together with local partner MAXIMA will Lendahand provide a loan that must be repaid in 24 months.
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