funding gap emerging markets

Power Trading Ent.

  • ABii National
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  • With EUR 25,200 Edward can purchase much more clothing - because of high demand from Benin and Cote d’ivoire.

    6 месеци
    6 месеци
    Зрялост6 месеци
    Погасявания6 месеци
      Напълно финансиран в 9 дни на 31 януари 2015.


      The Business is managed by Edward Opoku. The business was registered on 22nd August 2003 with business registration No. BN-50,671C. He has been in this line of business for twenty-five (25) years. He was introduced into this line of business as a young man by his uncle.

      Edward sells on wholesale basis only. He has been operating in the same shop for the past twenty-five years.

      He currently has 12 employees who work for him(2 permanent workers and 10 casual workers) who help to offload the goods when they arrive.

      Edward has many loyal customers because he has been in the business for long. Payment of goods bought is on cash-only basis. Edward saves with Unicredit Savings & Loans and ABii National Savings & Loans.

      He has currently applied for a facility of GHS150,000 to purchase more second-hand clothing for resale due to the high demand. It is a capital-intensive trade and strictly cash-only basis so one must always have access to funds to beat off the competition.

      Edward makes sufficient sales from his business from examination of his sales book. Most of his retail customers are from Kumasi, Takoradi, Cape Coast and Accra. There are also traders from Benin and Cote d’ivoire who come to make purchases to retail back in their country.  

      Име на компаниятаABii National
      Изп. директорEdward Opoku
      СекторТърговия на едро/на дребно


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