Chhon Ry
With a loan of EUR 2,800 Ry is able to buy seeds and fertilizer to expand her lotus farm.
Chhon Ry married Phal Pha, and they live with 6 children at Prek Takov Commune, Khsach kandal District, Kandal Province of Cambodia . to earn the living, Ry and her husband working together as cows raising and growing lotus. They running this business since 2007. It is family business and at the present time Ry does not any hire worker. In order to meet the rising demand of her clients, Ry is in need of working capital to expand her farm for growing lotus as she needs to expanse for seeds, gasoline, fertilizer etc. and the rest of the money she wants to buy one cows for raising. Using loan from Maxima Microfinance Plc. She will able to increase the number of order.
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