MiCrédito 6
This amount of EUR 100,000 will be used to fund 40 micro-entrepreneurs in the peri-urban and rural area that can use the money to grow their agri business and support the country's food sector.
About the issuer
MiCrédito Nicaragua is a non-deposit-taking Microfinance Institution (“MFI”) that serves customers at the bottom of the pyramid in Nicaragua. The current management team together with the largest shareholder in MiCrédito Panama (Mennonite Economic Development Associates or “MEDA”) have been involved in micro-lending in Nicaragua since 1990 when they established Fundación CHISPA, one of the most successful programs in micro-lending in Nicaragua. In 2000, CHISPA partnered with other investors to establish the first regulated MFI in the country (“CONFIA”) which grew to a 10-branch network with 70 staff members.
In 2004, MEDA felt that it still had a role to play to promote financial inclusion in Nicaragua, particularly by providing improved levels of service and by targeting the underserved rural markets. That is the moment that, together with some of the key staff that participated in the original CHISPA, MiCrédito Nicaragua was created as a NGO. MiCrédito management dedicated over eight years to building institutional. In 2013 MiCrédito was approved by Nicaragua's new microfinance regulating body National Comission of Microfinance in Nicaragua (“CONAMI”).
MiCrédito has 12 branches. The agents at the branches use a traditional personal approach, going door to door, visiting rural communities by motorcycle. MC also has an active digitization strategy, which has paid of during the COVID-19 crisis. Apart from a few remaining regulatory requirements in the KYC area, the company has entirely digitized its processes.
Use of Proceeds / Loan purpose
This amount of EUR 100,000 will be used to fund 40 micro-entrepreneurs in the peri-urban and rural area that can use the money to grow their agri business and support the country's food sector.
To create business solutions that include both social and financial support to Micro and Small Entrepreneurs, providing for a more prosperous future.
To evolve into an institutional bank, in order to contribute to the economic and social development of the Micro and Small businesses in Central America
In 2021, MiCredito was in the Top 3 of the best MFI in Central America and Dominican Republic.
MiCrédito е институция за микрофинансиране в Никарагуа със силен социален опит. Тя се фокусира основно върху обслужването на жени предприемачи и предприемачи в селскостопанските и селските райони.
Финансовото проникване в Никарагуа остава слабо и достъпът до финансиране е ограничен, особено сред земеделските производители с по-ниски доходи и дребните предприемачи в селските райони. Понастоящем само 14 % от населението може да вземе заем от официален източник на финансиране, а само 8 % имат спестовна сметка. За да обърне тенденцията, MiCrédito се фокусира върху обслужването на основата на икономическата и социалната пирамида.
Наред с микрокредитите за бизнеса, MiCrédito предлага студентски заеми с лихва от 1,66% само на месец. Те предлагат също така заеми за подобряване на дома, заеми за санитарни услуги и заеми за соларни продукти, които позволяват закупуването на продукти за възобновяема енергия, като например соларни панели. Чрез своите финансови услуги със социално въздействие досега те са подобрили качеството на живот на повече от 8 000 семейства в Никарагуа.
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ЦУР 1 - Без бедност
ЦУР 5 - Равенство между половете
ЦУР 8 - Достоен труд и икономически растеж
ЦУР 10 - Намаляване на неравенствата
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