SM Gram Bikash Kendra 15
With a loan of EUR 18,050 the businesses of 55 Indian woman from the Burdwan region can be expanded.
India is still home to several tribal people who are not introduced to the lifestyle of the modern world. Such a population lies in the Burdwan region of Bengal. They are known mainly for their skills in weaving saris which is famous across India, knitting, pottery, fish farming etc
The households consist of five members on an average. The women are typically engaged in the small businesses their husbands run which include small tea shops, grocery stores, bidi-making enterprises etc. The average household sees earnings not more than $88-$94 every month. Children go to school in nearby government schools for which they travel long distances. Due to financial constraints or the pressure of domestic chores, a lot of these students drop out. Regardless of all their problems, the community remains vibrant and has a strong sense of brotherhood.
With this loan around 55 women are able to achieve an improved position in the economy, by expanding their businesses.
Local partner Milaap will provide the loan, which has to be repaid in 24 months.
Milaap е най-голямата платформа crowdfunding в Индия, която дава възможност за разказване на истории за надежда, смелост и промяна. Те предоставят кредитни услуги на бедните и изключените, за да им помогнат да се измъкнат от бедността.
Milaap Партнира си с редица кредитоспособни партньори по места, които имат силна социална мисия. Те отпускат заеми за енергийни проекти, достъп до вода, вериги за доставки на занаятчийски стоки и други, предимно в селските райони. Много от проектите им дават възможност на жените предприемачи, като основно предоставят оборотен капитал на жени с тъкачно предприятие, малки магазини или занаяти.
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