Blaze Trust 3
With a loan of EUR 13,800 Blaze Trust will provide 55 mothers education loans to fund their children’s tuition fees en books.
The people of rural Tamil Nadu mainly depend on agriculture. The literacy rate here is slightly below 75%. The younger members of this community go to local government schools as their parents now understand the importance of education, and wish for their children to have greater opportunities than they have themselves. For higher education, students have to travel 1-2 hours every day to a nearby town. Life remains full of tough challenges for these children despite their exposure to education. The cramped houses with little to no ventilation do not make for ideal places to study. Additionally, the girls do not receive the same kind of support for pursuing their education and are often expected to help out with household chores. In spite of these hardships, the children and their supportive parents have not relinquished their dreams and aspirations.
Milaap, through its partnership with Blaze Trust, will provide 55 mothers from Coimbatore education loans- to fund their children’s tuition fees, stationery needs, textbooks, school uniform etc.
Local partner Milaap provides a loan to Blaze Trust that must be repaid in 24 months.
Milaap е най-голямата платформа crowdfunding в Индия, която дава възможност за разказване на истории за надежда, смелост и промяна. Те предоставят кредитни услуги на бедните и изключените, за да им помогнат да се измъкнат от бедността.
Milaap Партнира си с редица кредитоспособни партньори по места, които имат силна социална мисия. Те отпускат заеми за енергийни проекти, достъп до вода, вериги за доставки на занаятчийски стоки и други, предимно в селските райони. Много от проектите им дават възможност на жените предприемачи, като основно предоставят оборотен капитал на жени с тъкачно предприятие, малки магазини или занаяти.
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