Phillip Bank 6 (KREDIT Cambodia)

With a loan of EUR 41,000 Phillip Bank (before Kredit Cambodia) will be able to provide growth capital to 3 grocery sellers and 1 farmer.

funding gap emerging markets
Phillip Bank



Given the current situation regarding COVID-19, there is increased uncertainty. Although Phillip Bank is in good shape and agreements have only recently been made with regard to interest and maturities, it is wise to be careful with your investments.

Phillip Bank Plc is a member of PhillipCapital, an integrated Asian financial house based in Singapore, but operational in 15 countries, including offices in Australia, Cambodia, China (and Hong Kong SAR), France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, UK, UAE, USA and Vietnam. 

Phillip Bank Plc commenced business in Cambodia in 2009. In 2019, they merged with Lendahand's partner Kredit (an MFI focused providing financial services and training to low-income earners). 

Information document issuing entity (NL)

Information note issuing entitiy (BE)

With this investment Phillip Bank will be able to finance the following 4 entrepreneurs:

Ry is a grocery seller at Kandal Province, Cambodia, Ry is married and has two school aged children. She has been operating in her store to make profits for support the family life expenses for the past 11 years. In order to increase her family profits, she is now asking for a loan to add more grocery to her store and the rest of the loan she would like to purchase one hectare farmland to grow pepper. 

Sotin lives in Phnom Penh city of Cambodia. She is a food seller and has been selling rice and porridge in the morning to earn income, since 2009. To expand her trading business, she is now asking for a loan to purchase more food materials for sell. 

Phan is married mother. She is living with her husband and two children in Phnom Penh City of Cambodia. For the past ten years, she and her husband have been earning income from their plantation to support the family living. In order to increase her profit, she is now asking for a loan to expand.

A grocery seller in Phnom Penh of Cambodia, Rozaly is married and has three school aged children. In order to increase her family profits, she is now asking for a loan to add more grocery to her store and the rest of the loan she would like to purchase one hectare farmland to grow pepper. 

Phillip Bank

Изп. директор
Ry Nget
Phnom Penh
Wholesale / Retail
Напълно финансиран в 11 дни на 6 Май 2020.
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Кредитен рейтинг


Създадени работни места
Подобрени животи

Phillip Bank е институция за микрофинансиране в Камбоджа, която инвестира в хората и техния бизнес чрез микрокредити. Като предоставя оборотен капитал на местни предприемачи, тя дава възможност на хората в Камбоджа да разширят допълнително бизнеса си и да достигнат потенциала си за бизнес растеж и създаване на работни места.

Микрокредитите са ефективен инструмент за борба с бедността. Изследванията показват, че общностите с повече жизнеспособни малки местни предприятия имат по-балансирани икономики и по-високи средни нива на благосъстояние. Техният оборот основно се връща обратно в общностите, което осигурява икономически растеж и стабилност. Капиталът, предоставен от Филип Банк, работи за устойчиво подобряване на финансовото благосъстояние на семействата в селските и градските общности.

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