Enkhbayar Bagsh
With EUR 3,000 Enkhbayar is able to expand her product offering (e.g. cloting) and start renting a stall.
Enkhbayar has been operating a business in retail for the past 12 years. She imports clothing and household goods from China and Russia and sells them from the boot of her car.
After losing her husband in 2010, she went through a difficult time. Enkhbayar had to feed her family and pay for tuition fees for her two sons for example. In order to cope with the new situation, she had to work harder. Now, her oldest son graduated university and started supporting her in the business.
Enkhbayar would like to diversity the product offering and rent a stall at local market to reach more customers. Together with local partner VFM Lendahand will provide a loan that must be repaid in 24 months.
Vision Fund Mongolia
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