Khat Bunthoeun
With a loan of EUR 2,800 Bunthoeun will be able to buy rice seeds, fertilizer and oil for his small truck.
Khat Bunthoeun married Phat Sapan in 1979, and they have 5 sons and 3 daughters. Bunthoeun and Sapan are farmers for 20 years. They have their rice field and also raise the cow. Bunthoeuns wife, Sapan provides service of preparing silk for vendor.
Bunthoeun learns to do farming and raising cow from his parents. This is family business, so Bunthoeun does not hire any workers, but their sons and daughters assist in this agricultural task. Bunthoeun required rice seeds, fertilizer, pesticide, and oil for his small truck to support his farming.
Bunthoeun is in need of working capital to expand his business by purchasing more farming resource material, and buy a cow. Using loan from Maxima Microfinance Plc., Bunthoeun will be able to increase the number of orders he could manage.
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