Vun Phala
With a loan of EUR 4,200 Vun will be able to expand her weaving business and buy the necessary materials.
Vun Phala married Oeun Im in 1997. She lives with her husband and 4 children at Khsach Kandal District, Kandal Province of Cambodia. To earning the living, Phala and her husband working together as , her husband is sale of bread and she is weaver , she running this business since 2006.
It is family business, does not any hire worker. To due rising demand from her clients, Phala wishes to enlarge her business. Phala is in needs of working capital to expand her business as she needs to expense for material and silk fiber for weaving.
She estimate that this new business can make addition income for her family. So she decide apply loan from Maxima Microfinance Plc. After getting this loan, Sophal will generate more income and lead her family the better life.
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