Mahashakti Foundation 5
With a loan of EUR 23,850 the Mahashakti Foundation can provide 69 loans to women to expand their businesses.
Read the information document of the issuer here
Odisha houses few of the most financially backward families in India. Communities from Khurda district in rural Bhubaneshwar, Odisha slums lack even the basic amenities such as personal water connections and toilets.
A typical household in this setup consists of four members on an average- wife and husband, and their two children. The women of these households are homemakers, or are engaged in small-businesses such as tailoring, incense stick making, petty shops or beauty parlours, while the men are usually away, working in nearby towns and cities as carpenters, drivers, construction workers and daily wage labourers. The women and men of these households together are able to bring in no more than $90-$150 per month.
In spite of the hardships that accompany such low incomes, tthe people of Rayagada have not relinquished their dreams and aspirations. Milaap, through its partnership with Mahashakti Foundation, will provide women with funds to expand or setup their tailoring, incense stick making, petty shops, beauty parlours, grocery stores, dairy business etc.
Local partner Milaap provides a loan to the Mahashakti Foundation that must be repaid in 24 months.
Milaap je největší indická platforma crowdfunding, která umožňuje vyprávět příběhy o naději, odvaze a změně. Poskytuje úvěrové služby chudým a vyloučeným lidem, aby jim pomohla vymanit se z chudoby.
Milaap Spolupracuje s řadou úvěruschopných terénních partnerů, kteří mají silné sociální poslání. Poskytují úvěry na energetické projekty, přístup k vodě, řemeslné dodavatelské řetězce a další, většinou ve venkovských oblastech. Mnohé z jejich projektů posilují postavení podnikatelek, především poskytují provozní kapitál ženám s tkalcovským stavem, malými obchody nebo řemeslnými výrobky.
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