Gram Utthan 17
With this loan of EUR 31,500 105 families, otherwise unserved, will gain access to a clean and safe toilet at home.
Several communities in Odisha have very little to no access to private toilets, forcing them to resort to open defecation. As a result, they face a higher risk of exposure to infection, snake-bites and sexual assault, particularly in the case of women and children. Furthermore, the situation is aggravated for residents with ailments. Being one of the poorest states in India, gaining access to exclusive sanitation is far-fetched for most families here.
In fact, they are so used to open defecation that many a time they do not realise the kind of diseases they are exposing themselves to! Unsafe and inaccessible sanitation is a human problem for many reasons, covering personal hygiene and dignity, disease risk, environmental impact, as well as overall developmental impact related to health status, time use and production decisions.
Gram Utthan, an organization based in Odisha, focuses on dealing with issues pertaining to livelihood, skill training, energy and sanitation. Their core value is to enhance human dignity and work towards sustainable development. Milaap, in partnership with Gram Utthan, seeks to reach out to more such communities in rural Odisha.
With this project 105 families, otherwise unserved, will gain access to a clean and safe toilet at home.
Milaap je největší indická platforma crowdfunding, která umožňuje vyprávět příběhy o naději, odvaze a změně. Poskytuje úvěrové služby chudým a vyloučeným lidem, aby jim pomohla vymanit se z chudoby.
Milaap Spolupracuje s řadou úvěruschopných terénních partnerů, kteří mají silné sociální poslání. Poskytují úvěry na energetické projekty, přístup k vodě, řemeslné dodavatelské řetězce a další, většinou ve venkovských oblastech. Mnohé z jejich projektů posilují postavení podnikatelek, především poskytují provozní kapitál ženám s tkalcovským stavem, malými obchody nebo řemeslnými výrobky.
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