Avanza Sólido is a microfinance institution that promotes sustainable growth and stability for vulnerable entrepreneurs in rural areas of Mexico. The organization operates in the states of Chiapas, Yucatán, Veracruz, Tabasco, and Campeche. With its social mission, Avanza Sólido primarily focuses on women, youth, and indigenous communities.
Avanza Sólido provides group and individual loans for working capital and home improvement. Additionally, entrepreneurs receive training in business management and financial skills, while the institution also organizes health and wellness campaigns.
With 331 employees, Avanza Sólido contributes to social and economic development in Mexico, focusing on reducing inequality and strengthening local communities.

Opće informacije
Zajmoprimac | Avanza Solido S.A. de C.V., SOFOM, E.N.R |
Zemlja | Meksiko |
Sjedište tvrtke | Tuxtla Gutierrez |
Website | https://www.avanzasolido.com.mx/ |
Osnovan | 13 April 2011 |
Aktivan na Lendahand od | 28 January 2025 |
Credit Score | A+ |
Financijske informacije na dan 2024-09-30
Pregled portfelja | €43,553,473 |
Omjer poluge | 0.51% |
Omjer otpisa | 0.00% |
% iznos ulaganja u kašnjenju (>90 dana) | 1.11% |
O Meksiko
Mexico is a federal republic consisting of 31 states and Mexico City, one of the biggest cities in the world. Spanish is the most widely spoken language in the country and approximately 10 percent of the population speaks an indigenous language. In 2020, Mexico’s economic growth was -8.5% with a strong impact from COVID. Its economy is now recovering with +3% in Q4’20 and +3% to +5% anticipated in 2021. Its most important agricultural export product is corn (4th biggest exporter in the world). The welfare of the people, however, is unevenly distributed; the top 20% earns 55% of the total income and almost one-fifth of the population lives below the poverty line.
Posljednji financirani projekt

Avanza Solido

Želite li pokloniti buket cvijeća voljenoj osobi? Fernando stvara prekrasan cvjetni aranžman za vas u svojoj cvjećarnici, Nilú. Zahvaljujući mikrokreditu od Avanza Sólido, mogao je uložiti u svoj posao i sada ubire plodove. Ulaganjem u ovaj projekt podržavate male poduzetnike u Meksiku.