Validus is Southeast Asia's largest SME financing platform for small businesses, individual and institutional investors. Using data analytics and AI to avail growth financing to underserved SMEs, Validus aims to drive inclusive growth for SMEs and economies in the ASEAN region. Validus is built using established, sophisticated and swift platforms to create a better financial experience. Better because it's branchless. Better because it's a transparent, two‐sided SME financing platform. And better because it's not focused on institutions but people.
Founded in 2015 in Singapore, their first loan was disbursed to a small IT hardware supplier to Gardens by the Bay in Singapore. Today, they’re a team of over 250 strong, across four countries in ASEAN. They’re committed to driving financial inclusion for SMEs in the region, and their journey continues, onwards and upwards!

Almennar upplýsingar
Lántaki | Validus Investment Holdings Pte Ltd |
Land | Indónesía |
Höfuðstöðvar | Jakarta |
Website | |
Stofnað | 1 January 2015 |
Virkur á Lendahand síðan | 1 July 2022 |
Credit Score | B+ |
Fjárhagsupplýsingar per 2024-09-30
Yfirlit Eignasafns | €2,526,986 |
Skuldahlutfall | 34.01% |
Afskriftarhlutfall | 0.00% |
% fjárfestingarupphæð í vanskilum (>90 dagar) | 0.00% |
Um Indónesía
Indonesia is a republic with a presidential system. The country is a unitary state, which means the power is concentrated in the central government. Indonesia consists of hundreds of different indigenous ethnic groups; the largest and politically dominant group are the Javanese. Indonesia has a mixed economy, in which the public sector as well as the government play a big part. The country is the greatest economy in southeast Asia and a member of the G20.
Síðasta fjármagnaða verkefni

[DUPLICATE] Validus 21

Með fjárfestingu þinni veitir Validus frumkvöðlum eins og Idris stuðning til að bæta sjóðstreymi sitt og efla fyrirtæki sín. Þökk sé skjótum og sveigjanlegum fjármögnunarmöguleikum geta þeir stækkað starfsemi sína og skapað ný störf í nærsamfélögum, sem gerir lítil og meðalstór fyrirtæki í Indónesíu kleift að ná mar...Halda áfram að lesa