The company began operations in 2001 as a micro-credit program supported by the U.S-based, non-governmental organization, ‘Save the Children’. From the beginning, the objective was to improve the livelihood of women and poor families through financial services. It has been proven that such microcredit activity is critical and very important for the economic development of Timor-Leste, especially with the understanding that there were and still are very few financial services available. In 2002, the management of the micro-credit program was transferred to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) which registered the program as an MFI under the brand of Tuba Rai Metin or TRM, which in English literally means ‘stand firmly on the ground’.
Kaebauk continues the micro-credit activities initially undertaken by TRM in a more professional and transparent manner. In order to create a robust internal governance regime, Kaebauk built a strong and accountable management team, reinforced the existing corporate governance structures, and refined risk management, reporting, and control processes. Kaebauk Investimentu no Finansas continues to expand their financial services and endeavors to deliver greater social impacts, particularly for women, who comprise more than 70% of our customers. Women play an important role in the economic management of their households. The company looks forward to playing an even larger role in our country’s economic development and growth.
Almennar upplýsingar
Lántaki | Kaebauk Investimentu no Finansas, S.A. |
Land | Tímor-Leste |
Höfuðstöðvar | Dili |
Website | |
Stofnað | 24 August 2016 |
Virkur á Lendahand síðan | 1 June 2023 |
Credit Score | A+ |
Fjárhagsupplýsingar per 2024-09-30
Yfirlit Eignasafns | €30,091,305 |
Skuldahlutfall | 79.37% |
Afskriftarhlutfall | 2.61% |
% fjárfestingarupphæð í vanskilum (>90 dagar) | 0.00% |
Um Tímor-Leste
Timor Leste is a tiny country which is located in Southeast Asia and is located in Timor Island where it has a border with Indonesia and Australia. The capital of the country is Dili and the capital city is located on the northern coast of the country. The the total population is 1.3 million. The official Currency is USD. The country's main source of income comes from the Petroleum Fund which was established in 2005.
Síðasta fjármagnaða verkefni

Kaebauk 15

Starfsfólk hjá örlánastofnuninni Kaebauk helgar sig því að styðja fólk í Tímor-Leste á hverjum degi. Þau fræða og hvetja fólk til að bæta efnahagslegt öryggi sitt og lífsskilyrði. Kaebauk hefur nú þegar 30 frumkvöðla í huga sem gætu hagnast mikið á fjárfestingu þinni. Viltu styðja þau?