Microfinance institution Delta was founded in 2009 and is based in the capital, Tashkent. Microfinancing enhances financial inclusion in Uzbekistan. Small businesses often lack access to commercial banks due to insufficient collateral or formal accounting. However, microfinancing enables these businesses to grow and strengthen the local economy.
With 12 branches in Tashkent, Syrdarya, Bukhara, and Navai, Delta supports a diverse range of entrepreneurs, including furniture makers, shop owners, and farmers. Their goal is to improve lives by providing people with the financial resources they need to realize their ambitions.
Delta has 16,422 active clients, with 62% from rural areas and 45% being women. By offering customer-focused service and high-quality support, Delta contributes to sustainable economic growth and employment in the region.
Almennar upplýsingar
Lántaki | Microfinance Organization Delta Limited Liability Company |
Land | Úsbekistan |
Höfuðstöðvar | Tashkent |
Website | http://mfodelta.uz/en/home/ |
Stofnað | 16 January 2009 |
Virkur á Lendahand síðan | 15 July 2024 |
Credit Score | A |
Fjárhagsupplýsingar per 2024-09-30
Yfirlit Eignasafns | €12,728,233 |
Skuldahlutfall | 61.64% |
Afskriftarhlutfall | 0.23% |
% fjárfestingarupphæð í vanskilum (>90 dagar) | 0.47% |
Um Úsbekistan
Uzbekistan is located in the heart of Central Asia, between two large rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya. History of nations, living on this territory, is more than thousand years. As of 2022, Uzbekistan has the largest population out of all the countries in Central Asia. Its 36 million citizens comprise nearly half the region's total population. The Government of Uzbekistan has developed an ambitious set of reforms in recent years, but more are needed to continue to spur private sector-led growth and job creation. Notably, reducing the dominance of state-owned enterprises and opening up key sectors of the economy to competition would strengthen market incentives and sustainability. The Republic of Uzbekistan has a GDP of 91 billion US dollars. The IMF expects the GDP growth in 2024 to remain unchanged at 5.5%, inflation to fall to 10%, and unemployment to fall to 7.9%.
Síðasta fjármagnaða verkefni
Delta 7
Samstarfsfélagi okkar Matteo hittir Baxodir, bónda sem ræktar hindber og jarðarber í Úsbekistan. Þökk sé láni frá Delta getur Baxodir keypt nýjar plöntur og stækkað bú sitt, sem skapar störf bæði fyrir fasta og tímabundna starfsmenn. Með fjárfestingu þinni geta 60 frumkvöðlar eins og Baxodir byggt upp stöðugar tekjur.