funding gap emerging markets

Ferbel Auto Supply

  • NPFC
  • Fjárfestu í örfjármögnun
  • + 3 aðrir fjárfestar
  • EUR 3,200 offers Delia the opportunity to accomplish her goals by opening a new Ferbal Auto Supply store.

    12 mánuðir
    6 mánuðir
    Gjaldagi12 mánuðir
    Endurgreiðslur6 mánuðir
      Fullfjármagnað á 2 dögumá 31 October 2014.


      Delia Beltran is a mother of 2 and worked as a controller at the Agriculture Center for 7 years. She resigned when she got married to Fernando Beltran. Delia with her entrepreneurial mindset started to trade in fruit and vegetables thirteen years ago. When her cousin told Delia that the auto supply shop where she worked was about to close since the owner could no longer comply his clients’ wishes, Delia bought the auto supply shop from her own savings.

      On the 10th of June 2003, Delia opened the doors of Ferbel Auto Supply. Her cousin remind hired and was promoted as the purchasing manager and her husband as the operations manager. In 2011, Ferbel Auto Supply opened another branch in the Ifugao region and had promoted her cousin again, but this time as the manager of the new store. Ferbel Auto Supply still employs the 7 original workers consisting of 5 males and 2 females. Delia hopes to open more branches of auto supply stores and to increase its employee base as a result.

      Lendahand and its local partner NPFC supports Delia in her aspirations to open yet another Ferbal Auto Supply store by providing a loan, which will be repaid in 12 months. 

      For the term "CEO," the appropriate translation in Icelandic is "forstjóri."Delia Beltran
      StaðsetningCaloocan City
      GeiriHeildsala / Smásala


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