Oyuntsetseg Damdinjav
With EUR 4,600 Oyuntsetseg is able to stock up for the coming winter season to satisfy the increasing demand.
24 xhur
6 xhur
MunitaAmmont | €4,600 |
Imgħax | 3.00% |
<Maturità></Maturità> | 24 xhur |
Ħlasijiet lura | 6 xhur |
Munita | EUR |
Oyuntsetseg successfully runs a business in retail renting a pavilion outside at the Altansags local market in Darkhan city for the past 13 years. She sells winter hats, beanies and gloves in winter time and beverages in summer time who can use the seasonal feature very well.
With a loan Oyuntsetseg will be able to expand her business purchasing big order as winter has came and needs are growing.
Together with local partner VFM Lendahand will provide a loan to support Oyuntsetseg, who will have to be repaid the loan in 24 months.
Isem il-kumpanija | Vision Fund Mongolia |
Kap Eżekuttiv | Oyuntsetseg Damdinjav |
Imwaqqfa | 2002-01-01 |
Lokazzjoni | Darkhan |
Settur | Bejgħ bl-ingrossa / Bejgħ bl-imnut |
Fatturat | €10,183.87 |
Impjegati | 1 |
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- B'din l-investiment, il-ħajjiet ta' 4 persuni jitjiebu