With a loan of EUR 2,200 Galbadrakh will be able to purchase a big order and buy a truck for distribution.
24 xhur
6 xhur
MunitaAmmont | €2,200 |
Imgħax | 3.00% |
<Maturità></Maturità> | 24 xhur |
Ħlasijiet lura | 6 xhur |
Munita | EUR |
Galbadrakh runs a business in wood sales for the past 15 years in the capital Ulaanbaatar city. Firstly, he used to sell at the Khyalgant local market renting a small space but today he rents area with large space at the market and increased types of his products for sale.
With a loan of 5 million tugrik, Galbadrakh will be able to enhance his working capital and purchase big order. Moreover, he has plans to purchase a truck for distribution and hire an additional employee to increase business efficiency.
Lendahand will provide a loan to Galbadrakh together with local partner VFM. The loan has to be repaid in 24 months.
Isem il-kumpanija | Vision Fund Mongolia |
Kap Eżekuttiv | Galbadrakh Tsedendamda |
Imwaqqfa | 2001-01-01 |
Lokazzjoni | Ulaanbaatar city |
Settur | Bejgħ bl-ingrossa / Bejgħ bl-imnut |
Fatturat | €13,245.03 |
Impjegati | 3 |
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