Nergui Jantsan
With a loan of EUR 8,800 Nergui will be able to create more jobs and expand her business.
24 xhur
6 xhur
MunitaAmmont | €8,800 |
Imgħax | 3.00% |
<Maturità></Maturità> | 24 xhur |
Ħlasijiet lura | 6 xhur |
Munita | EUR |
After retirement, four years ago Nergui decided to run her own business in Nalaikh city which is based on a coal mine. Because of that uniqueness of the location, she started to sell coal (used for fuel for homes in winter) providing need in the community four years ago. Moreover, Nergui purchased breeze block making machine and started to produce breeze blocks for sale. Firstly, she started alone, but today she has two employees and rents a space at Tsaiz local market.
With a loan of 20 million tugrik, Nergui will be able to create more jobs to operate non-stop during four seasons and establish her own company to expand her business.
Lendahand will provide a loan to Nergui together with local partner VFM. The loan has to be repaid in 24 months.
Isem il-kumpanija | Vision Fund Mongolia |
Kap Eżekuttiv | Nergui Jantsan |
Imwaqqfa | 2012-01-01 |
Lokazzjoni | Nalaikh city |
Settur | Manifattura / Produzzjoni |
Fatturat | €31,111.11 |
Impjegati | 2 |
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