Serjemkhuu LLC
With EUR 13,400 Gankhuyag will be able to rent two more stalls at the market and create two more jobs.
36 xhur
6 xhur
MunitaAmmont | €13,400 |
Imgħax | 4.00% |
<Maturità></Maturità> | 36 xhur |
Ħlasijiet lura | 6 xhur |
Munita | EUR |
Gankhuyag runs a business in consumer goods sales and construction in Ulaanbaatar city. He has been running a business in wholesales importing mostly household goods from China for the last 15 years and renting two stalls at the Narantuul local market and opened new construction company "Serjemkhuu" 5 years ago. As company expanding, he made an agreement with Korean company and started to bring work force from Korea to work in construction industry of Mongolia.
With a loan of 30 million tugrik, Gankhuyag will be able to increase his working capital importing more consumer goods, rent two more stalls at the market and create two more jobs.
Lendahand will provide this loan to Gankhuyag together with local partner VFM. The loan has to be repaid in 36 months.
Isem il-kumpanija | Vision Fund Mongolia |
Kap Eżekuttiv | Gankhuyag Balsandorj |
Imwaqqfa | 2001-01-01 |
Lokazzjoni | Ulaanbaatar city |
Settur | Bejgħ bl-ingrossa / Bejgħ bl-imnut |
Fatturat | €44,702.72 |
Impjegati | 2 |
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