funding gap emerging markets

Distribuidora Mis Chiquis

  • Eclof Colombia
  • Investi fil-mikrofinanza
  • + 7 investituri oħra
  • Viviani’s loan of EUR 3,600 enables her to expand her assortment and create one new job.

    24 xhur
    6 xhur
    Ħlasijiet lura
    <Maturità></Maturità>24 xhur
    Ħlasijiet lura6 xhur
      Ifinanzjat kompletament fi 35 ġurnatafuq 19 December 2014.


      Viviani and her husband owned a small shop located in their own house. It is called ‘Mi Chiquis’, and they have been owner for 4 years already. The main selling point of the small store is eggs. Viviani and her husband sell different types and sizes of eggs. Next to this, customers are also able to find other, daily groceries in the store. Next to the store, Viviani is also a student. She attends Psychology classes at the university in the mornings. Her husband also has another, fulltime job. They have one employee who attends to the customers when Viviani is attending classes and her husband is at work. In the evenings, the take care of customers together.

      They would like to use the loan to expand the assortment of the store. This way they are better able to satisfy customer’s demand. In the future, they would like to move to a bigger location in the neighbourhood. This location is situated on the main road with a lot of schools and the university close by. With the loan, one new job is being created.

      Lendahand and its local partner grant this loan to Viviani payable in 24 months, to be able to make this ambition reality.

      Isem il-kumpanijaEclof Colombia
      Kap EżekuttivViviani Portuguez
      LokazzjoniSoacha, Cundinamarca
      SetturBejgħ bl-ingrossa / Bejgħ bl-imnut


      M'hemm l-ebda informazzjoni disponibbli għal din it-taqsima bħalissa. Iċċekkja t-tab Sommarju għal aktar dettalji.

      • B'din l-investiment jinħoloq impjieg wieħed
      • B'din l-investiment, il-ħajjiet ta' 4 persuni jitjiebu

      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Diġà kkontribwejna għal Distribuidora Mis Chiquis

      Ton Schroer
      Dinand Mentink
      Bas Kleijnen
      + u ieħor