Lendahand Blog

funding gap emerging markets
funding gap emerging markets

Ensuring healthy lives in times of COVID-19

As we are all tragically aware, a health emergency such as COVID-19 can cause bankruptcy in both developed and developing countries. However, in the Netherlands we are fortunate enough to rely on a social safety net. Also, we are able to physically distance ourselves from one another and work from home. In developing countries, there isn’t space to socially distance yourself. What can we do to ensure healthy lives for all?

funding gap emerging markets

Make an impact in your pajamas

Good news: there’s no need for you to go outside to make an impact. There are tons of things you can do from the comfort of your home. So put on your pajamas, pour yourself a beverage of choice and raise your glass. Here’s to solidarity!

funding gap emerging markets

How to earn money while fighting extreme poverty

Fighting poverty worldwide and making money out of it – seems quite contradicting, doesn’t it? In the past seven years, we’ve learned that it’s possible. In order to understand how this works, let’s first have a look at how poverty arises and how it stays in tact.

funding gap emerging markets

Who run the world? Girls. But not without your support!

"Equality between men and women is not only a human right, it’s also the basis for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world”. We couldn’t agree more with the United Nations. Because women are still disadvantaged compared to men, the UN has made gender equality Sustainable Development Goal #5. By 2030, men and women must have equal rights such as education, health care and jobs. Find out how you can help to achieve this goal.

funding gap emerging markets

6 vragen om jezelf te stellen voordat je een hond adopteert of begint met crowdfunding

Een asielhond in je leven verwelkomen heeft veel overeenkomsten met het crowdfunden van een betere wereld. In beide scenario's is het verstandig om goed over de investering na te denken. Het is natuurlijk makkelijk om overenthousiast te raken van alle beschikbare hondenvrienden en crowdfundingprojecten. Stel jezelf daarom eerst deze zes vragen voordat je een keuze maakt.

funding gap emerging markets

A Commitment to Climate Action

funding gap emerging marketsImpactGeschreven door Lily Zhou op 12 december 2019

On December 11, 2019, at the UN Climate Change Conference, COP25, in Madrid, Lendahand together with 500 other companies publicly committed to accelerate the reduction of their greenhouse gas emissions to reach a 1.5 degree trajectory leading to net zero by the year 2030—20 years ahead of the 2050 targets set in the Paris Agreement.

funding gap emerging markets

17 goede voornemens van wereldformaat

funding gap emerging marketsImpactGeschreven door Lily Zhou op 21 november 2019

Aan het einde van het jaar breekt ook de tijd van goede voornemens weer aan. Wellicht heb jij ook voornemens om volgend jaar meer - of absoluut niet meer - te  doen. Stoppen met roken, een marathon lopen, aardiger zijn voor de mensen om je heen of juist meer voor jezelf opkomen? Mooie doelen die je kunnen helpen een steeds betere versie van jezelf te worden. 

funding gap emerging markets

This is why we don’t want you to buy our product

funding gap emerging marketsImpactGeschreven door Koen The op 21 december 2018

Lendahand is on a mission. We exist because we believe that there are very cool companies active in emerging markets that are creating economic value while having an enormous positive impact on their surroundings. With the right amount of funding they can build their company and create jobs. But the problem is that they find it very hard to impossible to find that funding.

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