funding gap emerging markets

Solar Home Systems 66

  • BNF
  • Invertir en microfinanzas
  • + otros 86 inversores
  • With a loan of EUR 25,000 local partner BNF will be able to install 118 solar home systems at households in Kenia.

    12 meses
    6 meses
    Vencimiento12 meses
    Reembolsos6 meses
      Totalmente financiado en 40 minutosen 27 Enero 2021.

      El proyecto


      In the coming period there are different conditions for this partner. More information can be found here.

      • The interest rate has been temporarily increased by 0,75 percentage point to accommodate the growing uncertainty associated with COVID-19.
      • In addition, this investee is allowed - provided they continue to comply with the applicable covenants - to refinance future repayments to Lendahand investors with the funds raised from this project.
      • Repayments occur after 12 months, not after 6 months (grace period).

      Information document issuing company (NL)

      Information note issuing company (BE)


      Rose farms maize, a staple meal for locals. After opening of markets, she transports her maize to Uganda where prices are better.

      She has put up a three room semi-permanent house from a monthly income of USD 110. As a new year gift to her young family of 4 that uses kerosene lamps for lighting, she is installing a solar home system consisting of 3000mAh battery, 10W panel, 4 bulbs, torch, radio and USB chargers all at USD 257.

      Her additional income of USD 5 per month from charging phones will add to her savings for her to upgrade her house and purchase a TV in a year’s time.

      There will be more clean and stable light in her home, some entertainment from radio and hope for better things.

      Nombre de la empresaBNF
      Director generalRose Silali
      SectorProyectos de energía sostenible
      Volumen de negocio€0


      BnF focuses on sustainable energy projects in rural Kenya, offering households a 12-month payment plan to purchase a solar home system. The system enables clients to generate sufficient energy to power many basic necessities such as lights, radios, televisions, and other essential appliances. Solar home systems reduce reliance on polluting and health-threatening fuels such as kerosene, firewood, and coal for families' lighting and cooking needs. 

      Electricity opens new economic opportunities for families, enabling household incomes to grow progressively. It provides access to information and entertainment, allowing the children to spend time studying in the evenings and empowering women to engage more in household and local-level decision-making. It stands to reason that entire rural communities' livelihoods benefit from access to clean energy as their productivity, efficiency, and health prospers.


      SDG’s impacted

      With this project you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      SDG 1. No poverty

      SDG 7. Affordable and clean energy

      SDG 13. Climate action

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.

      • Con esta inversión se crean 2 puestos de trabajo
      • Con esta inversión se mejoran las vidas de 590
      • Con esta inversión se instalan 118 sistemas solares domésticos

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      Por favor, inicia sesión para acceder a esta sección.

      Por favor, inicia sesión para acceder a esta sección.

      Por favor, inicia sesión para acceder a esta sección.

      Por favor, inicia sesión para acceder a esta sección.

      Ya hemos invertido en Solar Home Systems 66

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