funding gap emerging markets

Solar Home Systems 9

  • BNF
  • Invertir en microfinanzas
  • + otros 30 inversores
  • With a loan of EUR 31,600 Kukei and 70 other households will be able to buy solar panels to put on their roofs.

    18 meses
    6 meses
    Vencimiento18 meses
    Reembolsos6 meses
      Financiación completa en 1 díaen 28 Julio 2016.

      El proyecto

      Kukei Ole Kiloko lives in Naibor ,ildigiri village. He has six children and all of them are in school. He had to walk along distance at least once a week to the urban area to bring kerosene. His children use a lantern to do their homework every evening. They have been complaining of eye problem because of the soot produced by the lantern.His wife who uses also a lantern while cooking supper has developed eye problems. Kukei and other clan men sleep outside during the night to watch over their flock from wild animals.

      Once he acquires the solar home system the children are expected to perform well in school because of extended study times in the night with the mother and children saving medical cost of seeing an optician. Moran who are the young men will begin enjoying their sleep because the security lights are on all night scaring the wild animals away.

      Nombre de la empresaBNF
      Director generalKukei Ole Kiloko
      Volumen de negocio€0


      BnF focuses on sustainable energy projects in rural Kenya, offering households a 12-month payment plan to purchase a solar home system. The system enables clients to generate sufficient energy to power many basic necessities such as lights, radios, televisions, and other essential appliances. Solar home systems reduce reliance on polluting and health-threatening fuels such as kerosene, firewood, and coal for families' lighting and cooking needs. 

      Electricity opens new economic opportunities for families, enabling household incomes to grow progressively. It provides access to information and entertainment, allowing the children to spend time studying in the evenings and empowering women to engage more in household and local-level decision-making. It stands to reason that entire rural communities' livelihoods benefit from access to clean energy as their productivity, efficiency, and health prospers.


      SDG’s impacted

      With this project you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      SDG 1. No poverty

      SDG 7. Affordable and clean energy

      SDG 13. Climate action

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.

      • Con esta inversión se crean 2 puestos de trabajo
      • Con esta inversión se mejoran las vidas de 312
      • Con esta inversión se instalan 87 sistemas solares domésticos
      • Con esta inversión se reducen 26 toneladas de CO2

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