¡Te regalamos 10 € en tu primera inversión!

funding gap emerging markets

Invierte ahora en un emprendedor extranjero y recibe un descuento de 10 € en el total de tu inversión. ¡Ya puedes invertir desde un mínimo de 50 €!

¿Cómo funciona?

Lo único que tienes que hacer es crear tu cuenta gratis y elegir un emprendedor a quien te gustaría realizar un préstamo de impacto social. Tú decides cuánto invertir a partir de un mínimo de 50 €. Cuando el proyecto esté completamente financiado, la totalidad de la inversión se abonará al emprendedor el día 1 del mes siguiente.

Por ejemplo: inviertes 50 € en una compañía camboyana con un vencimiento de 12 meses. Pagas con iDeal y, debido al descuento, el pago real será de 40 €. Después de 6 meses, recibirás tu primer reembolso de 25 € + intereses. Después de 12 meses, recibirás los siguientes 25 € + intereses.

¡Sí, quiero unirme!

Términos y condiciones para participar en esta operación

Lendahand saca una nota de

  • 97% de los inversores recomiendan Lendahand
  • Promedio de 1723 de experiencias de clientes
  • 97% de los inversores recomiendan Lendahand
  • Promedio de 1723 de experiencias de clientes
Been using Lendahand for four years now, and I am very happy I started investing here. I trust my money is used to do good.- Fem Naomi
Easy, insigtfull, reliable, open - Lucas van Wijk
Very good experience. Good for giving an helping hand.Again and again.- CM Baum
Straightforward investment process with the basket and check out menu- Philippe B
Very reliable, transparent and a fair way to invest money- Froukje
Very good with the caveat that the payment with my ING VISA credit card was not accepted although my credit card limit was not exceeded - Samson Fung
Have been investing for a few years and have found them to be generally a good company to deal with. Their website has improved greatly in the last years, wh...- Tim
I love what you are doing. It feels totally right to invest in these kind of projects- Christjan
Simple, secure, fluent- Individual
Haber hecho una inversion con el valor añadido de la solidaridad es muy motivador- Santiago Martinez
Overall very good. Lendahand as a P2P facilitator appears to be unique in giving lenders the opportunity to lend directly to borrowers in developing countrie...- Sarah Quinlan
First a investor in Babyloan, I now enjoy doing the same with lend a hand. I feel like there aren't many projects, but that's not important because that way ...- Beverly
Extra-fine- Ignacio
Easy to read, easy to act !- PERARD
Very good experience. I like to invest in projects for people in emerging countries because of the social impact they have.- Manuel H
Una buena forma de generar rentabilidad e impacto positivo- Anonymous
C'est la première fois que j'utilise lendahand, avant j'étais sur babylone, je trouve ça dommage de ne plus avoir mes historiques et montants prêtés depuis l...- Floriane Haquin
Perfect- Miguel Andreu
Very good experience, it is very nice to see that there are this kind of companies that care about developing countries. - Carolina
I am using for around five years now. I love the idea of investing in projects all over the world. The website could improve by making it possible to automat...- Florus
Me paeece muy interesante poder ayudar a emprendedores.- Miguel Hernandez Gonzalez
I think LendAhand's mission is noble and wort it. That's why I support it, even if better risk-return mix can be found with other investments- Matteo Cominetta
I had very annoying problems with the website when you changed something on the finance system last year and I could not invest. Since this was sorted I have...- Kathy Smyth
cool- Gaëlle
Really good one, I love their social mission!- Lendahand
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