funding gap emerging markets

Taller De Vida

  • Eclof Colombia
  • Invertir en microfinanzas
  • + otros 14 inversores
  • Estella needs EUR 6,400 to refurbish a house to be able to offer more psychological support to minority groups.

    24 meses
    6 meses
    Vencimiento24 meses
    Reembolsos6 meses
      Financiación completa en 21 díasen 3 Septiembre 2014.

      El proyecto

      Taller de Vida (literally translated ‘workshop of life’) is an organization that works directly with children, youth, families and communities that have been affected by political social violence in Colombia. The centre has been operating for twenty years already.

      The centre’s focus is psychological development and psychosocial interventions. Next to this, they would like to build capacity to improve the respect of human rights of minorities in Colombia in the long run.

      At this moment Taller de Vida has four development programs to achieve its goals:

      1.       Reinventando la vida (literally: reinventing life): Psychosocial care and social development support for families who have been forced to leave the area where they’ve lived and grew up. 

      2.        Proyecto bamboo (the bamboo project):  Social integration of children who were kidnapped by armed groups.

      3.       Corazon de cebolla (literally: union heart):  Projects to prevent children from being exposed to armed conflicts and violence.

      4.       Tejiendo red (weave techniques): The development of social organizations and or social enterprises. At this moment products such as wallets, diaries, picture frames and other small articles are being made. The products are being made from paper, dried seeds, small pieces of fabric and dried flowers. The products are sold in the 'Taller de Vida' webshop. At the same time this is an increasingly important source of income to finance the projects Taller de Vida is running. 

      Taller de Vida is well known in Colombia and has already achieved a lot in the past twenty years. However, they would like to accomplish more for the people they are working with. The loan will be used to set-up two new projects: to refurbish a new location (a house which they received as a donation) to expand the current activities of the centre and to procure tools and raw materials. 

      Lendahand and its local partner grant this loan to Taller de Vida payable in 24 months, to be able to make this ambition reality.

      Nombre de la empresaEclof Colombia
      Director generalEstella Duque Cuesta
      UbicaciónCundinamarca, Bogotá
      Volumen de negocio€47,656.87


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      • Con esta inversión se crean 6 puestos de trabajo
      • Con esta inversión se mejoran las vidas de 24

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      Ya hemos invertido en Taller De Vida

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