funding gap emerging markets

Holy Rosary Printing

  • NPFC
  • Investir dans la microfinance
  • + 4 autres investisseurs
  • With EUR 1,800 Lino is able to pruchase more raw materials for the family business that offers printing services.

    €1 800
    6 mois
    6 mois
    Montant€1 800
    Maturité6 mois
    Remboursements6 mois
      Entièrement financée en 17 heures sur 22 Octobre 2015.

      Le projet

      “Holy Rosary Printing Press” in Quezon City was officially established in 2008, founded by Lino Debulos, the sole-owner and manager. It is a family business ran by the Debulos brothers and a group of friends, expert in printing even before advance technology came-in in 1990’s. Holy Rosary Printing Press is a printing company offering different services like design conceptualization, also, does offset printing, digital outdoor printing, and souvenirs.

      The quality of service they provide captures prominent brands nationwide. Lino is married to Maria Agnes, and they are blessed with three children. Her spouse, assists him in the over-all operation, including transactions with different clients.

      There are ten regular employees, with the average tenure of six years. All are provided with Mandated benefits – Social Security System (SSS), HDMF, and Philhealth, aside from compensation. On a year end, employees receive 13th month pay, cash gift bonus and grocery allowance.

      Lino will be needing an additional working capital to purchase raw materials. The loan will be provided by NPFC and Lendahand and is to be repaid in 6 months.

      Nom de l’entrepriseNPFC
      PDGLino Debulos
      LieuQuezon City
      Chiffre d'affaires€37 183,93


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      Nous avons déjà contribué à Holy Rosary Printing

      A. Pronk
      Ron van Eijk
      + et autre