funding gap emerging markets

ARH Arts&Crafts

  • NPFC
  • Investir dans la microfinance
  • + 9 autres investisseurs
  • €3 000
    6 mois
    6 mois
    Montant€3 000
    Maturité6 mois
    Remboursements6 mois
      Entièrement financée en 27 jours sur 30 Avril 2014.

      Le projet

      Aida Roque is the owner of ARH Arts & Crafts Collection. ARH Arts & crafts Collection has been manufacturing decorative containers made out from cardboards since July of 2008.

      Aida at first was trading with decorative boxes in bazaars. When her supplier was not able to commit with her demands, she thought of manufacturing the containers herself. However, neither no one knew how to make the items they were selling. With such determination to deliver products to trade, she hired one skilled worker and together with one of her staff in the trading business, they learned and started manufacturing decorative containers. From then on, the two (2) workers expanded up to fifteen (15) workers as the orders increases.

      Currently, ARH Arts & Crafts Collection is employing twelve (12) workers where three (3) are females with full benefits of Social Security System (SSS), Medicare (PhilHealth), free board and free lodging. They employ additional workers whenever there is a higher demand for production. Aida is now planning to buy the production place she is leasing.

      From the destruction of tropical storm Ondoy (Typhoon Ketsana), she had started the business from scratch and knowing how it is to become a victim, Aida regularly sends donations to disaster areas around the Philippines.

      Lendahand’s partner NPFC is helping ARH Arts & Crafts Collection in acquiring additional raw materials to boost the production and support incoming orders

      Nom de l’entrepriseNPFC
      PDGAida Roque
      LieuRodriguez, Rizal
      SecteurFabrication / Production
      Chiffre d'affaires€29 695,45


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      Hajé van Egmond
      Luella van Turnhout
      Hajé van Egmond
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