funding gap emerging markets

Tacos Grill

  • Eclof Colombia
  • Investir dans la microfinance
  • + 9 autres investisseurs
  • With a loan of EUR 3,600 Wilson can buy a cooler to store his freshly made meals and he can buy more ingredients.

    €3 600
    24 mois
    6 mois
    Montant€3 600
    Maturité24 mois
    Remboursements6 mois
      Entièrement financée en 43 jours sur 27 Décembre 2014.

      Le projet

      Wilson and his wife are true fast-food experts; they have been working in the sector for their while (working) life. They have been owners of ‘Tacos Grill’ for 6 years already. Before they started operating on this location, they exploited the business from various mobile locations near universities. Since 8 months Tacos Grill has its own location. From here, Wilson and his wife make and serve fresh tacos, tortillas, pizzas and other small meals. They work from Tuesday to Sunday. According to themselves, they distinguish themselves from other similar businesses in the neighbourhood by taking excellent care of their customers and the food they serve. 

      With the loan Wilson wants to buy a larger cooler. With the cooler, they can prepare and store more food. This means that during peak hours, they can attend their clients better. Furthermore, with the loan Wilson can procure the right ingredients to make this plan work. Wilson has one big dream for this business: buy the location so Tacos Grill becomes truly ‘their property’.

      Lendahand and its local partner grant this loan to Wilson, payable in 24 months, to be able to make this ambition reality.

      Nom de l’entrepriseEclof Colombia
      PDGWilson Santacruz Briseno
      LieuSoacha, Cundinamarca
      Chiffre d'affaires€42 635,65


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