funding gap emerging markets

Gram Utthan 14

  • Milaap
  • Investir dans la microfinance
  • + 89 autres investisseurs
  • With a loan of EUR 45,050 around 180 families in India will gain acces to a clean and safe toilet at home.

    €45 050
    24 mois
    6 mois
    Montant€45 050
    Maturité24 mois
    Remboursements6 mois
      Entièrement financée en 14 jours sur 4 Décembre 2017.

      Le projet

      Read the information document of the issuer here

      Several communities in Odisha have very little to no access to private toilets, forcing them to resort to open defecation. As a result, they face a higher risk of exposure to infection, snake-bites and sexual assault, particularly in the case of women and children. Furthermore, the situation is aggravated for residents with ailments. Being one of the poorest states in India, gaining access to exclusive sanitation is far-fetched for most families here. 

      In fact, they are so used to open defecation that many a time they do not realise the kind of diseases they are exposing themselves to! Unsafe and inaccessible sanitation is a human problem for many reasons, covering personal hygiene and dignity, disease risk, environmental impact, as well as overall developmental impact related to health status, time use and production decisions.  

      Gram Utthan, an organization based in Odisha, focuses on dealing with issues pertaining to livelihood, skill training, energy and sanitation. Their core value is to enhance human dignity and work towards sustainable development. Milaap, in partnership with Gram Utthan, seeks to reach out to more such communities in rural Odisha. 

      With this project 180 families, otherwise unserved, will gain access to a clean and safe toilet at home. 

      Nom de l’entrepriseMilaap
      PDGGovind Dash
      SecteurServices financiers
      Chiffre d'affaires€8 212 772,78


      Milaap is the largest crowdfunding platform in India, enabling stories of hope, courage, and change. They provide credit services to the poor and excluded to help them to work themselves out of poverty.

      Milaap partners with a range of credit-worthy field partners who hold a strong social mission. They grant loans for energy projects, water access, artisan supply chains, and more, mostly in rural areas. Many of their projects empower women entrepreneurs, mainly providing working capital to women with a weaving enterprise, small shops, or handicrafts.


      SDG’s impacted

      With this project you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      SDG 1. No poverty

      SDG 3. Good health and well-being

      SDG 5. Gender equality

      SDG 6. Clean water and sanitation

      SDG 8. Decent work and economic growth

      SDG 10. Reduced inequalities

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.

      • Grâce à cet investissement, 3 emplois sont créés
      • Cet investissement permet d'améliorer les conditions de vie sur le site 732
      • Au cours de cette période, 180 toilettes ont été installées.

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      Nous avons déjà contribué à Gram Utthan 14

      Niek de Bruijn
      Trees van den Hoogen
      Danny Honig
      Manfred Jansen
      Menne Glas
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