funding gap emerging markets

Kalinga Food Treat

  • NPFC
  • Investir dans la microfinance
  • + 21 autres investisseurs
  • With a loan of EUR 9,800 Iluminada can further expand her business in organic rice products in the Philippines.

    €9 800
    12 mois
    6 mois
    Montant€9 800
    Maturité12 mois
    Remboursements6 mois
      Entièrement financée en 9 jours sur 27 Juin 2015.

      Le projet

      Iluminada Calbuyao, a resident of Tabuk City, Kalinga, is married to Samuel and is with one kid. Since childhood, she is exposed to their family business of planting rice crops and trading rice grains. In 2008, she formally started her business of trading organic rice grain products. She buys unhusked rice grains from the Unoy Farmers Association in Kalinga. The rice grains are milled and made into unoy-based (or rice-based) products like champorado (chocolate) rice , unoy noodles, unoy chili paste, and unoy wine. The word ‘unoy’ is a Kalinga dialect for organic rice and is grown without the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. 

      Her business is named “Kalinga Food Treat” and it has been operational for seven years. To help the community, Iluminada employs four regular workers and has part-time workers that are from Butbut Tribe which are provided with free meal, aside from compensation.

      Lendahand will provide the loan to Iluminada together with local partner NPFC. 

      Nom de l’entrepriseNPFC
      PDGIluminada Calbuyao
      LieuTabuk City, Kalinga Apayao
      SecteurDistribution et traitement
      Chiffre d'affaires€39 093,04


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      Nous avons déjà contribué à Kalinga Food Treat

      Moniek van den Berg
      A. Pronk
      Jan de Wit
      Falco Valkenburg
      + et autre