
funding gap emerging markets

Agora Microfinance was created in 2009 and began operations in 2011 after 2 years of initial research and preparatory work. Agora Microfinance N.V. is incorporated in the Netherlands as a holding company. Moringaway is an investment company that is domiciled in Mauritius. The investment companies are advised by Agora Microfinance Partners LLP, based in the United Kingdom.

Tanmay is one of the founding promoters of Agora, and oversees its operations as the Group CEO. In his current role he manages the equity investments (Chair of Boards of the three investees) and also handles the Advisory Company as its Managing Partner. His additional roles include Chairing the Supervisory Board of AMNV and he is also a Director of Moringaway.

In his role Tanmay focuses mainly on the development and execution of strategy at different levels of the structure. He brings considerable prior experience of microfinance operations, consulting and ratings.

Tanmay holds a Master’s in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School and an MBA from IIFM, Bhopal (India).

General information

Head officeEbene
Founded 1 August 2012
Active on Lendahand since 1 August 2018

Financial information per 2021-06-30

Portfolio Overview€3,773,763.87
Leverage ratio56.00%
Write-off ratio0.00%
% investment amount in arrears (>90 days)0.00%

About Zambia

The Zambian economy used to be largely dependent on copper mining. The copper reserves are however depleting. Three quarters of the population is active in agriculture, which is good for 31% of the GDP. The main crops are corn, sugar, tobacco and sunflower seeds. In 1991 Zambia became a republic.

Last funded project