
funding gap emerging markets

With this type of investment, you invest in financial institutions that offer loans to several Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in emerging markets at the same time. Your investments in financial institutions through Lendahand come with a layer of protection. The financial institutions cover most of the risk of defaults and currency fluctuations, and you automatically diversify your investment between multiple SME entrepreneurs. Find here more information about the types of investments

BorrowerCountryPartner sincePortfolioPAR 90*% Write-off
Avanza SolidoMexico28 January 2025€43,553,4731.11%0.00%
Universal CreditKyrgyzstan27 November 2024€9,112,5560.34%0.00%
4 de OctubreEcuador16 October 2024€60,424,146.762.90%6.91%
Amanat CreditKyrgyzstan23 September 2024€15,976,5161.58%0.01%
Aldea GlobalNicaragua16 July 2024€5,835,0652.74%0.00%
DeltaUzbekistan15 July 2024€12,728,2330.47%0.23%
FuruzTajikistan18 December 2023€11,893,8410.76%0.00%
GSB CapitalMongolia 1 December 2023€61,415,6312.10%0.00%
SPBD TongaTonga10 October 2023€7,377,8450.00%0.00%
SPBD SamoaSamoa10 October 2023€8,456,5651.40%0.00%
EspoirEcuador 4 October 2023€52,743,7383.35%0.69%
VodiyUzbekistan15 August 2023€41,127,8570.83%0.92%
Fortune CreditKenya 1 August 2023€5,935,5150.00%0.00%
FONDESURCOPeru 2 July 2023€20,552,5618.00%0.60%
Kaebauk (KIF)Timor-Leste 1 June 2023€30,091,3050.00%2.61%
RenesansUzbekistan26 April 2023€12,246,4450.34%0.37%
KWFTKenya12 April 2023€84,647,30224.47%0.02%
OXUSTajikistan23 March 2023€17,213,8571.42%0.00%
HUMOTajikistan20 February 2023€111,447,7630.87%0.05%
SOFIPAMexico27 January 2023€24,859,2431.52%0.06%
U&I MicrofinanceKenya13 September 2022€11,597,9272.01%0.00%
ValidusIndonesia 1 July 2022€2,526,9860.00%0.00%
InvesCore NBFIMongolia17 April 2022€148,888,7496.21%0.16%
FACESEcuador 1 April 2022€62,485,5497.38%0.57%
BailykKyrgyzstan22 February 2022€57,366,8112.04%0.00%
SalymKyrgyzstan28 December 2021€40,138,998.342.00%0.97%
CrezeMexico21 October 2021€43,544,5555.50%0.25%
MiCreditoNicaragua 1 July 2021€21,922,0233.16%0.41%
KoriPeru 1 May 2021€16,133,4512.62%2.64%
Funding SocietiesIndonesia19 January 2021€123,721,5345.52%1.23%
Mikro KapitalMoldova 1 January 2021€30,662,0305.99%0.18%
First Finance Cambodia12 August 2020€66,597,6434.00%0.00%
Phillip Bank Cambodia14 March 2020€412,799,218.492.53%0.17%
EFC UgandaUganda 1 April 2019€12,967,849.539.21%2.21%
Spartan Impact FinanceSouth Africa 1 March 2019€3,408,704.4432.00%0.00%
MoringawayZambia 1 August 2018€3,773,763.870.00%0.00%
LulalendSouth Africa 1 June 2018€16,050,318.283.17%7.91%
Golomt BankMongolia30 October 2017€973,745,713.686.66%1.39%
Opportunity BankUganda 1 August 2017€29,259,453.999.34%0.22%
Nusa MakmurIndonesia 1 July 2017€1,270,6490.00%0.13%
FinancialAccessKenya 1 February 2017€2,311,729.4113.21%0.00%
UmatiKenya 1 October 2016€329,4957.18%14.99%
MilaapIndia 1 September 2016€3,440,923.900.00%0.00%
BNFKenya 1 May 2016€312,647.1882.48%1.00%
KreditCambodia 1 April 2016€269,553,997.320.81%0.17%
MAXIMACambodia 1 March 2016€17,188,610.920.74%0.00%
Agora MicrofinanceZambia 1 October 2015€4,348,944.300.48%0.21%
Vision Fund MongoliaMongolia 1 July 2015€3,514,483.697.91%0.81%
ABii NationalGhana 1 December 2014€5,679,594.4565.00%0.00%
Eclof ColombiaColombia 1 November 2013€2,017,883.301.32%0.11%
NPFCPhilippines 1 March 2013€2,091,92219.90%14.20%

* PAR 90 (portfolio at risk): the part of the total investmentportfolio of which at least one payment is 90 days overdue.

With this type of investment, you directly invest in a privately owned for-profit business in an emerging market. Lendahand only selects businesses that match our stringent financial criteria. However, with this type of investment, default risks are not covered, as there is no intermediary between you and the business. Please read the provided financial information for the company carefully. Find here more information about the types of investments.

BorrowerCountryPartner sinceRevenueLiquidityEquity / total assets
CarabusNetherlands 4 November 2024€0No short-term liabilities0.00%
FarmerlineGhana27 March 2024€13,900,51516.99%55.03%
Lima CoffeePeru19 June 2023€11,373,441103.40%80.00%
African EnergyUnited States 1 February 2023€10,532,212.17No short-term liabilities91.90%
RoamKenya15 October 2022€1,820,004120.00%0.00%
Solar Frontier CapitalJersey 1 October 2022€57,000,00098.00%29.00%
Cafe PeruPeru 1 August 2022€747,17577.00%42.20%
TugendeUganda 1 October 2021€7,000,000228.00%31.00%
BWISEEcuador 1 May 2021€7,500,000141.00%44.00%
Fortem HoldingsKenya 1 September 2020€5,763,923400.00%50.00%
YAKRwanda 1 June 2020€4,145,716926.00%69.00%
SokoKenya19 September 2019€742,081129.00%-34.00%
REDAVIA GmbHGhana 1 July 2019€960,0001.00%0.00%
candi solar AGIndia22 March 2019€300,000140.00%58.60%
ECS ZambiaZambia 3 January 2019€60,892.181868.00%-3.00%
MDF West Africa Ghana 1 November 2018€640,869.96179.00%28.00%
VitaliteZambia17 August 2018€910,288443.00%5.11%
Sistema.bioMexico 3 May 2018€4,030,775140.00%24.00%
upOwaCameroon 1 May 2018€2,746,375210.00%89.78%
NewLight AfricaKenya17 February 2018€1,859,04085.40%-2.50%
SolarWorks! Mozambique24 October 2017€120,358.20826.00%-8.00%
SunTransferKenya12 July 2017€99,100271.00%0.00%
AzuriKenya15 June 2017€0262.00%0.00%
SollatekKenya 7 April 2017€1,000,877.98240.00%64.00%
SolarNowUganda 8 February 2017€1,269,157107.00%12.00%
SimGasKenya29 November 2016€224,842249.00%10.20%
WEnergyPhilippines 1 August 2016€3,598,609.27153.00%76.00%