How it Works

Every investment you make in our projects helps fight poverty by funding entrepreneurs & SMEs working hard to grow their businesses.

Closing the funding gap in emerging markets

Currently there is a €4.6 trillion annual funding gap between entrepreneurs & SMEs in emerging markets seeking funding and available capital from traditional financial institutions.

funding gap emerging markets
choosing crowdfunding projects

Choosing projects that fit your needs

Lendahand gives you the unique opportunity to invest in these entrepreneurs & SMEs in the form of projects on our crowdfunding platform.

Investing in entrepreneurs to fight poverty

By investing in entrepreneurs in emerging markets, you’re stimulating local economies, creating jobs, and providing opportunities to those who need it most.

fight poverty crowdfunding
crowdfunding repayments

Get your money back plus interest

Once your project is fully funded, you’ll start receiving principal repayments from your original investment plus interest every six months, unless otherwise specified.

funding gap emerging markets

The problem we face

Over 700 million people live in extreme poverty. That’s 10% of the world population surviving on less than €1,90 a day. The majority of these people live in sub-Saharan Africa. For people living in poverty it’s a struggle to fulfill basic needs such as access to clean water and sanitation.

Causes of poverty include unemployment and social exclusion. It’s our mission to fight poverty in emerging markets by investing in people and businesses.

Empowering people, literally

Our investments allow entrepreneurs to expand their businesses and create jobs. By improving their socio-economic status, you’ll contribute to a higher standard of living. People will gain access to clean water, energy and sanitation.

When you invest in solar home systems for example, you make solar energy available to thousands of households. People can finally light up their homes at night, enabling children to do their homework.

funding gap emerging markets

Choosing your projects: manually or with auto-invest

Invest manually in the crowdfunding projects or choose for automatic investing, with the convenience of Auto-Invest. With Auto-Invest you effortlessly achieve a diverse and well-diversified portfolio. Auto-Invest reinvests your repayments directly into new projects that meet your preferences. Set your preferences and Auto-Invest takes care of the rest. Read more here.

You’re in total control

What will your money contribute to? The choice is entirely yours. You select your own projects, based on criteria such as the location, interest, social impact and maturity. The maturity is the total duration. You’ll receive repayments every six months, unless stated otherwise, until the investment reaches maturity. In other words: until it’s completed. Which project you choose; by investing in people and their businesses you bring positive change in the world.

Getting started

All investments made through Lendahand start at €10. Want to invest more? You decide how much money you invest. First, decide on which project you want to crowdfund, followed by the desired amount and preferred payment method (iDeal for the Netherlands, Bancontact for Belgium or credit card). There are no extra fees. You’ll receive a confirmation mail shortly after.

Invest in a financial institution or in a single business

Each of our projects shows whether it’s an investment in a financial institution or directly in a business. Though interest rates for investments in a single business are higher compared to those in a financial institution, the risks are usually higher as well. Rest assured though, all parties meet our strict criteria, socially and financially.

funding gap emerging markets

Receiving repayments

Once the full amount for a project has been funded by our crowd, the money is wired to the financial institution or directly to the business itself. This happens on the first day of the following month. At that point, your investment will begin earning interest. Your financial dashboard shows the projects you’ve invested in, as well as detailed information about your transactions. It’s also possible to change your settings there.

You will receive equal installments

Investments are repaid in equal installments, plus interest, every six months, unless otherwise specified. Returns are based on the amount invested plus the established interest rate of the projects you crowdfund. When you receive your repayments, you may choose to reinvest in other projects or have the money deposited back into your bank account at no charge.