Here is an overview of Lendahand’s investment portfolio. The interactive figures below reflect investments in financial institutions, directly in businesses, and small business loans. This page is updated every quarter.
Outstanding investments
The figure shows all investments made through the Lendahand group of companies, Lendahand, Energise Africa and PlusPlus. By clicking on the platform names the individual results can be seen. All columns are converted from the respective funding currencies (EUR, GBP, USD) to EUR.
Outstanding investments by Counterparty
The figure shows the outstanding investments by counterparty. You can click on the sector buttons to toggle between the different sectors which have been invested in through Lendahand. To return to the total overview, all sectors need to be blank again.
Outstanding investments over Time
The figure shows the outstanding investments over time by investment type, either direct investments to businesses, or indirect investments through financial institutions.
Outstanding investments per Country
The figure shows the outstanding investments over per country. You can zoom in and click on countries to see the respective outstanding amounts.
Outstanding investments by Currency
The figure shows the outstanding investments per counterparty by currency. Click on the + sign to expand the currencies per counterparty. The conversion to euro is as of the day of updating.
Outstanding investments by Repayment Status
A repayment status is given to all of our outstanding loans per project. They are split between "On time", "Restructured - On Time" (no days late on restructured schedule) and "Late" (>90 days past due). You can click on the buttons to toggle between investment types.
Default rates and other statistics
According to the European Crowdfunding Service Providers regulations, the default rate is considered when we consider that the counterparty is unlikely to pay in full, and we have considered or need to consider a write-off, or is more than 90 days past due on a particular loan. In order to calculate the one-year default rate, the denominator consists of the number of non-defaulted loans observed at the beginning of a 12-month observation window, whereas the numerator includes all loans considered in the denominator that had at least one default event during the 12-month observation window.