Anyone can do impact-investing

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In the investment world, impact investment is booming: investments aiming at measurable positive impact on social or environmental issues and achieving a good financial return. Often banks and investment funds are investing. But impact investing is also possible for you as a private investor, starting from € 50.

What type of impact do you want to invest in?

Of course it sounds nice: do good with your money and get a fair return on it. But what impact will you invest in? What topics are important? The United Nations (UN) have appointed 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These worldwide goals may help you choosing the type of impact that appeals to you most.

The first goal is to end extreme poverty. But there are also goals about health, education, clean drinking water, renewable energy, ecosystem recovery and to counteract climate change.

Also smaller amounts (from € 10)

At Lendahand we would like everyone to be able to invest in these goals, even with smaller amounts. Such small amount don't make any difference? Through our crowdfunding method, you invest in real measurable impact with people from all over the globe. All these small amounts together make a big difference. Will you join us?

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