funding gap emerging markets

Solar Home Systems 11

  • BNF
  • Invest in microfinance
  • + 26 other investors
  • With the solar home system loan of EUR 15,000 Albanus and others in the group will enjoy light in the whole compound.

    18 months
    6 months
    Maturity18 months
    Repayments6 months
      Fully funded in 1 day on 27 August 2016.

      The project

      Albanus Kiio Mwangangi lives in Masonga, Tisya Village. He has five children and also lives with his ageing mother who is also sick. The old mother needs more care and special attention especially at night. He and his wife have to depend on kerosene lamps as they wake up at night to attend the mother. It is costly as they may need to leave the lamp in the mother’s room on throughout the night hence consuming a lot of kerosene per night.

      Once he acquires the solar home system the family will attend the sick mother well as they shall have a sustainable source of light in the house. This will also ensure good relationship between the sick mother and other family members taking care of her. Albanus will also save money he uses to buy kerosene.

      Like many in the group, Albanus story is truly wonderful.

      Company nameBNF
      CEOAlbanus Kiio


      BnF focuses on sustainable energy projects in rural Kenya, offering households a 12-month payment plan to purchase a solar home system. The system enables clients to generate sufficient energy to power many basic necessities such as lights, radios, televisions, and other essential appliances. Solar home systems reduce reliance on polluting and health-threatening fuels such as kerosene, firewood, and coal for families' lighting and cooking needs. 

      Electricity opens new economic opportunities for families, enabling household incomes to grow progressively. It provides access to information and entertainment, allowing the children to spend time studying in the evenings and empowering women to engage more in household and local-level decision-making. It stands to reason that entire rural communities' livelihoods benefit from access to clean energy as their productivity, efficiency, and health prospers.


      SDG’s impacted

      With this project you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      SDG 1. No poverty

      SDG 7. Affordable and clean energy

      SDG 13. Climate action

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.

      • With this investment 2 jobs are created
      • With this investment 136 lives are improved
      • With this investment 31 solar home systems are installed
      • With this investment 9 tons of CO2 are reduced

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      We have already contributed to Solar Home Systems 11

      Ron van Eijk
      Joop Singeling
      Aad Smits
      Jan de Wit
      Gerard de Jong
      + and another