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U&I Microfinance 7

  • U&I Microfinance
  • Invest in microfinance
  • + 760 other investors
  • Meet Olpha, a Kenyan entrepreneur who benefitted from a U&I loan. Since she expanded her shoe business in Nairobi with the microloan, she now has a reliable income that helps her to manage her bills and supports savings. With an investment in U&I, you support 60 small female-owned businesses to grow.

    36 months
    6 months
    Maturity36 months
    Repayments6 months
      Fully funded in 37 days on 29 November 2023.

      The project

      Olpha runs a second-hand shoe shop at the Gikomba Market in Nairobi. With a capital of only $100, she began her shop three years ago, sourcing her products from major suppliers due to budget constraints. Olpha mainly caters to the youth, offering them affordable second-hand shoes in the open-air market. However, she faces challenges, including the frequent fire outbreaks in Gikomba Market, the absence of proper business structures, and county government licensing requirements.

      Since 2019, Olpha has been working with U&I Microfinance Bank, a leading financial institution in Kenya that offers customized financial solutions. Thanks to U&I, she's been able to expand her business and increase her savings. The microfinance institution’s savings accounts for women and children, affordable banking services, and mobile banking options have helped her improve her business. U&I's support has not only enabled Olpha to pay her bills without struggle but has also ensured access to education and healthcare. With your investment in U&I, 60 female entrepreneurs in Kenya can achieve financial stability as well.

      What social return could your investment generate?

      Kenyan women are often disadvantaged due to cultural norms and limited access to education and formal employment opportunities. Historically they have found themselves relegated to domestic roles. This lack of exposure and educational opportunities has forced many women into the informal sector, where they engage in low-paying jobs and small businesses that barely cover their daily needs. Unfortunately, this sector offers little access to financial support. U&I Microfinance Bank has stepped in to address these challenges by tailoring its products and services to meet the unique needs of these Kenyan women. Through customized financial solutions, U&I is empowering women to break free from traditional mindsets, realize their potential, and overcome the financial barriers that have held them back.

      Investing in U&I Microfinance goes beyond financial returns; it's about making a significant social impact by promoting equality and financial inclusion. Women and youth, often marginalized by traditional banking institutions, benefit from their services.

      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate 5,25%.
      • The maturity of the loan is 36 months.
      • Repayment of your investment in equal installments every six months. That means you will receive the repayment of your loan in 6 equal installments, one every 6 months until the maturity of 36 months, along with the interest.
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected total repayment would be 1,092 euros.


      About U&I Microfinance

      U&I Microfinance Bank's journey began in 2007 as a credit-only microfinance institution, primarily focused on empowering marginalized groups through access to credit. Recognizing the need for financial services, in 2013, the Central Bank of Kenya granted them a license to operate as a deposit-taking microfinance institution.

      In April 2017, U&I Microfinance Bank received a National License, marking their transition from a community microfinance institution to a nationwide microfinance provider. Today, with branches in Nairobi County (Asili and Gikomba branches), Kiambu County (Thika branch), Machakos County (Matuu branch), and their Head Office in Nairobi CBD, they continue to expand their reach and impact.

      Driven by their mission to positively transform lives through high-quality financial services, U&I Microfinance Bank is on a mission to empower individuals, particularly women and youth, to achieve their financial objectives. 


      U&I in numbers

      • Established in 2007 as a credit-only microfinance institution.
      • Currently operates four branches across Nairobi County, Kiambu County, and Machakos County.
      • 46 employees 
      • Winner of Banking Award Overall Best Microfinance Kenya 2022
      Company nameU&I Microfinance
      CEOSimon Mwangi Ngigi
      Credit scoreA


      U&I Microfinance Bank supports a wide range of entrepreneurs, both formal and informal, within different sectors in Kenya. U&I focuses on serving female entrepreneurs and young professionals in agricultural business in rural areas. Their loans enable job creation, working capital, and working material for underserved SMEs, allowing better living and working conditions within local communities.


      SDGs impacted

      With this project, you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      SDG 1 - No poverty

      SDG 5 - Gender Equality

      SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth

      SDG 10 - Reduced inequalities

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.


      Related blog posts

      Read more about U&I and the impact they make in their introduction blog post, click here.

      • With this investment 60 jobs are created
      • With this investment 265 lives are improved

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      We have already contributed to U&I Microfinance 7

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