Who run the world? Girls. But not without your support!
"Equality between men and women is not only a human right, it’s also the basis for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world”. We couldn’t agree more with the United Nations. Because women are still disadvantaged compared to men, the UN has made gender equality Sustainable Development Goal #5. By 2030, men and women must have equal rights such as education, health care and jobs. Find out how you can help to achieve this goal.
The facts
According to recent data from 90 countries, women devote roughly three times more hours a day to unpaid care and domestic work than men. This limits their time for paid work, education and leisure. Right now, women represent 39% of world employment. Only 27% of managerial positions across the world were occupied by women in 2018, compared to 26% in 2015. Overall, the percentage of women in management has increased since 2000 in all regions, except for emerging countries. Time for a change!
Women-owned organizations
Lendahand is devoted to supporting women-owned organizations. In fact, 50% of the companies that have received funding through our platform are led by women. So far, we’ve been able to fund hundreds of projects that help women expand their business, hire more employees or provide for their families, all thanks to the investors on our website.
How can you help?
We previously wrote a blog about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and about how your daily choices make a big difference. There are many ways in which you can help achieve equal rights for men and women, and investing in a women-owned project on Lendahand is one of them!
Go girls!