Everything about Auto-Invest: What is automatic investing at Lendahand?

Written by Lynn Hamerlinck on 23 April 2024
Choosing which crowdfunding projects to invest in is one of the many reasons why impact investors are enthusiastic about Lendahand. You have control over your investments 24/7. And now, that can also be automatic. Does that sound contradictory? We asked Arno Hoogenhuizen, Project Leader for Auto-Invest at Lendahand, how Auto-Invest works.
Q: Arno, what is your role as the project leader at Lendahand?
Arno Hoogenhuizen: At Lendahand, I ensure our product meets our investors' expectations. We constantly search for the right balance between the impact our crowdfunding projects make, the financial return, and the risk.
I start each day thinking: Can we make investing even simpler? That's what Auto-Invest, our new functionality, does. As an investor, you set your preferences and tell us where you want and don't want to invest, and the system handles the rest.
Q: Is automatic investing also committed investing?
Arno: In crowdfunding, investors are directly involved with the projects. And yes, even with Auto-Invest, you retain the freedom to choose your investments without the work and time you'd normally spend.
Once an investor sets their project conditions, Auto-Invest gets to work. You will always receive a confirmation email when an automatic investment is made. As with every project you manually select, you can read about the impact your automatic investments make and the people your money is reaching.
Q: What prompted the development of Auto-Invest?
Arno: We take two time-consuming tasks off investors' hands. Firstly, Auto-Invest ensures good portfolio diversification without needing to think about it every day. Another advantage is that it immediately puts the repayments from your previous investments back to work. Once a crowdfunding project that meets your preferences is available, Auto-Invest ensures you invest in it. This way, you make a difference with your money 24/7.
Think of it as a way to manage your impact fund or ETF but with the transparency to see exactly where your money is going.
Q: How does Auto-Invest fit into Lendahand's broader vision of impact investing and crowdfunding?
Arno: Our goal is to make impact investing through crowdfunding accessible and easy. Auto-Invest aligns perfectly with this. For our existing investors, Auto-Invest simplifies the investment process. It removes the need for research and ensures that their money continuously creates new impacts, contributing to faster project funding.
At the same time, we are opening the door to a new audience. We target people interested in the direct impact of crowdfunding but who find selecting projects themselves time-consuming or daunting. This group, who normally turns to their house bank for impact investments, is often left out in the cold. Banks might offer impact investments, but usually it needs to be clarified where exactly the money goes. With Auto-Invest, we offer these people a clear and direct alternative where they can combine ease with clear, tangible impact.
Q: A final word for the crowd investors, Arno?
Arno: Like everything at Lendahand, we develop Auto-Invest for and with you. If you find something that needs improvement or notice something that prevents you from turning on Auto-Invest, let us know.
Ready for Auto-Invest? Set your project preferences and try it out. You can turn the feature on and off as you wish.
Are you curious about the possible investment moments and how Auto-Invest proceeds to invest based on your preferences? Read more on this page or in the FAQ of Lendahand.
Video about Auto-Invest
Our colleagues Arno and Jan Metten share their experiences with developing the new functionality in the video below. They explain how Auto-Invest can automate and simplify your investment process. Are you watching?
English subtitles available in YouTube