Invest with impact and confidence

Written by Lynn Hamerlinck on 5 July 2024
Why Trees chooses Lendahand
Trees is one of the 20,000 investors at Lendahand and believes it’s important to make a difference with her money. Her motivation for investing goes beyond financial returns; she wants to support social and sustainable entrepreneurs who are working towards a better future. “I choose the projects I invest in myself. It's such a nice feeling to know where your money is going,” says Trees about her participation in Lendahand.
Investing with meaning
At Lendahand, you can choose to handpick your investments and invest manually, or use Auto-Invest to invest automatically. Trees prefers to keep control herself: “I enjoy reading the stories of the entrepreneurs I support, which makes me feel even more connected to the projects I invest in.”
The projects on the platform offer enough insight and background information to make a well-informed choice. This process not only gives her confidence in her investment but also the satisfaction that she’s making a real impact.
Meet Trees in the video below, where she shares how she found her way to Lendahand:
Curious about more stories of investors and entrepreneurs you can invest in? Be sure to check out more on our YouTube channel.
A reliable and meaningful investment platform
What Trees particularly values about Lendahand is its transparency: she can see exactly how her money is used and what impact it has. The platform allows her to combine financial security with her ideals, something she misses in other investments. “I prefer to invest in the future, in a cleaner world,” she says, and Lendahand offers her exactly that opportunity.
Make a Difference
Your investment, too, can be both financially and socially meaningful. Start investing and experience the satisfaction of making a difference - for yourself and for others.
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