Lendahand Blog

funding gap emerging markets
funding gap emerging markets

NEW: Rooftop Solar Systems for SMEs in Asia and Africa

Lendahand is happy to welcome its latest partner and its first transaction in the commercial and industrial space (solar energy for SMEs), candi solar!

funding gap emerging markets

Update SimGas Kenya Ltd.

Lendahand heeft de afgelopen 6 jaar ongeveer 2.400 projecten gefinancierd van 30 uitgevende instellingen. Van de totale gelden die via de websites van Lendahand zijn geïnvesteerd, moeten we nu ongeveer 2.5% afboeken. We willen dit percentage uiteraard niet laten oplopen en als het even kan verlagen. Daarom hebben we een aantal conclusies getrokken.

funding gap emerging markets

Na 6 jaar 1e faillissement in portfolio Lendahand

Vorige week bereikte ons het bericht dat het onze Keniaanse partner NewLight Africa niet is gelukt nieuwe financiering aan te trekken om de hieronder genoemde (nieuwe) strategie uit te kunnen voeren. Een internationale crediteur van NewLight Africa heeft dientengevolge besloten de uitstaande gelden op te eisen. Het resultaat hiervan zal zijn dat het bestuur van NewLight Africa op zeer korte termijn daadwerkelijk het faillissement zal aanvragen, omdat niet aan het verzoek kan worden voldaan. Helaas betekent deze ontwikkeling dat investeringen in deze partner volledig zullen moeten worden afgeschreven. Alle investeerders in deze partner zijn inmiddels ingelicht.

funding gap emerging markets

This is why we don’t want you to buy our product

Lendahand is on a mission. We exist because we believe that there are very cool companies active in emerging markets that are creating economic value while having an enormous positive impact on their surroundings. With the right amount of funding they can build their company and create jobs. But the problem is that they find it very hard to impossible to find that funding.

funding gap emerging markets

Lendahand wint Gouden Stier 2018

In de categorie Crowdfundingplatformen is Lendahand winnaar geworden van de Gouden Stier 2018. De IEX Gouden Stier-Beste Keuze is een onafhankelijk keurmerk en geeft beleggers handvatten om de juiste beleggingsbeslissingen te nemen.

funding gap emerging markets

Lendahand is a Best For The World Company 2018

We are very proud of that we have been awarded again this year. SInce we first obtained our B Impact score we've tried to raise the impact bar for ourselves while creating an attractive financial product. Social impact and a healthy return go hand in hand.

funding gap emerging markets

Now live on Lendahand.com: impact investing in South Africa

One of the cool things about Lulalend is that they disburse loans through an automated online platform. By using algorithms, credit scores can be assigned and assessed rapidly. A potential borrower knows whether his loan has been approved in just a couple of hours. If so, the money is transferred and will be in the borrower’s account the same day.

funding gap emerging markets

Millennials Lead The Way to More Impact Investments

Investments in sustainable initiatives will continue to increase in the coming years. This is evident from a large study by Schroders Investment Managers. In their Global Investor Study 2017, they did a survey with more than 20,000 active investors from 30 countries in all parts of the world about the sustainability of their investments. People from Australia, Brazil and the USA, but also from Germany, Italy and the Netherlands.

funding gap emerging markets

Nusa Makmur plans for scale in Indonesia

“More than 50 million small entrepreneurs are seen as unbankable in Indonesia. Nusa Makmur aims to change this by collaborating with local cooperatives in the country. Through these cooperatives Nusa Makmur reaches the entrepreneurs that make a difference in their local communities.”

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