Lendahand Blog

funding gap emerging markets
funding gap emerging markets

Empower entrepreneurs like Zviad with Georgian Credit projects

Written by Lucas Weaver on 16 March 2020

We’d like to introduce you to Georgian Credit: a microfinance organization established in 2006. By funding projects from Georgian Credit, you’ll empower hard-working entrepreneurs across Georgia.

funding gap emerging markets

Introducing Symbiotics: Lendahand’s newest co-financing partner

We’re excited to announce our newest partner: Symbiotics. With over 425 institutions financed in 83 countries across the globe, Symbiotics is a leader in the world of impact investing. By partnering with us, Symbiotics hopes to add an innovative source of funding to its portfolio of institutional investors. We’re their first crowdfunding platform, allowing retail investors to directly select the companies they wish to invest in. Find out why we're joining forces. 

funding gap emerging markets

Why it's unfair to compare Lendahand to your savings account

funding gap emerging marketsInvestingWritten by Lucas Weaver on 4 March 2020

It’s a tempting comparison to make: why leave extra money in your savings account earning 0% interest when you could invest it with Lendahand and earn around 3% in return? While the comparison may be tempting, I’m here to tell you why it’s actually like comparing apples and oranges.

funding gap emerging markets

How to earn money while fighting extreme poverty

Fighting poverty worldwide and making money out of it – seems quite contradicting, doesn’t it? In the past seven years, we’ve learned that it’s possible. In order to understand how this works, let’s first have a look at how poverty arises and how it stays in tact.

funding gap emerging markets

Who run the world? Girls. But not without your support!

"Equality between men and women is not only a human right, it’s also the basis for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world”. We couldn’t agree more with the United Nations. Because women are still disadvantaged compared to men, the UN has made gender equality Sustainable Development Goal #5. By 2030, men and women must have equal rights such as education, health care and jobs. Find out how you can help to achieve this goal.

funding gap emerging markets

Solar brings positive energy to Bar Bobofils

funding gap emerging marketsStoriesWritten by Lily Zhou on 16 February 2020

Last month I wrote about my visit to our solar partner upOwa in Cameroon. Their solar home systems literally empower people. Even people in remote places get access to clean energy. Today I’ll take you to one of these places. Travel along to Sa’a and get to know the Bobofils family.

funding gap emerging markets

How money gets a face in Zambia

Peace and calm. No honking cars. Speed bumps and rumble strips everywhere. Hardly any cyclists, mostly pedestrians. In the city, outside the city, in the middle of nowhere, pedestrians everywhere. On our way to Lendahand’s partners, we drive along endless roads lined with ramshackle stalls. Or just tables under the burning sun with dozens of meters of tomatoes. Each stall has a specialty: from plastic slippers to wooden front doors. Sellers sometimes hide in the shade of the occasional tree. Who are these sellers? And how do they earn their living? I’m going to see how my loans are being used in practice.

funding gap emerging markets

Empowering entrepreneurs in Zambia (without electricity)

The following story is written by Ella van Kranenburg: As one of the supervisory board members of Lendahand, I wanted to witness where crowd invested money ends up. That’s why I joined Lendahand’s Peter Heijen and Thomas Plaatsman together with a few investors on a short, intense and educational field trip to Zambia. Rest assured, both the investors and I bought our own tickets.

funding gap emerging markets

Visiting our solar partner upOwa in Cameroon

funding gap emerging marketsStoriesWritten by Lily Zhou on 16 December 2019

Enjoying a cold beer, relaxing with Netflix or simply turning on a lamp. What is normal to us, is a dream to many folks. More than a billion people across the world don’t have reliable access to energy. And of those 600 million people live in Africa. upOwa, partner of Lendahand, makes a big difference in Cameroon with their solar home systems. I visited upOwa and found out the impact of your investment.

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