Lendahand Blog

funding gap emerging markets
funding gap emerging markets

Crowdfunders join forces: Lendahand and PlusPlus become one

PlusPlus was launched in 2020 by development organizations Solidaridad and Cordaid, crowdfunding platform Lendahand and impact investor Truvalu. With a focus on agriculture, interest-free loans and small-scale projects, PlusPlus differentiates itself from Lendahand. But there are also similarities between the two, which offer opportunities for the future. Therefore, it has now been decided to move forward together: PlusPlus will become part of Lendahand.

funding gap emerging markets

Meet 4 Female Entrepreneurs from Kenya

As in many other emerging countries, one of the biggest challenges for female entrepreneurs is the lack of access to finance. And this is where our local borrower U&I Microfinance comes in.

funding gap emerging markets

Welcome to Tajikistan

Lendahand takes you to places you've, in all likelihood, never been. Soon we will be launching two new borrowers in Tajikistan. Before we tell you more about these ventures, we'd like to take you on a virtual journey to Central Asia.

funding gap emerging markets

FAQ Special - Late repayments and defaults

funding gap emerging marketsInvestingWritten by Lynn Hamerlinck on 21 December 2022

As a crowdfunder, you know: there are risks associated with my investments. But how much risk are we talking about? What can actually happen? And most importantly, what will Lendahand do to help me get my repayments back?

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