Lendahand Blog

funding gap emerging markets
funding gap emerging markets

New country added to our portfolio with Salym in Kyrgyzstan

Written by Lynn Hamerlinck on 4 February 2022

We’re excited to tap into a new region by adding Kyrgyzstan to our portfolio. Lendahand welcomes our first Kyrgyz portfolio company: Salym, a microfinance institution that supports entrepreneurs and people in rural and peri-urban areas, outside of the cities.

funding gap emerging markets

5 benefits of solar energy for a Kenyan flower farm

funding gap emerging marketsImpactWritten by Lynn Hamerlinck on 6 January 2022

Our team recently had the opportunity to visit one of portfolio company Redavia's clients in Kenya. We've listed 5 ways the solar farm is impacting an agri-business and local community.

funding gap emerging markets

Our new projects detail page explained

funding gap emerging marketsUpdatesWritten by Lucas Weaver on 16 December 2021

As a part of a larger update to our website, we have updated the page where you view the specific details on individual projects. Here’s what you need to know:

funding gap emerging markets

How to revive women-led SMEs in Africa

funding gap emerging marketsImpactWritten by Charity Nyawira on 1 December 2021

Our Kenyan correspondent Charity shines a light on the challenges, opportunities, and trends that can get women-owned businesses back on their feet in 2022 and beyond.

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